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  • Writer's pictureYasmine G.

How to make your business thrive during COVID-19

We are currently living in a situation that is shaking us to our cores.

Afraid of the unknown, of losing our jobs, uncertain of what the future will hold, we might not have ALL the choices, but we always, always have ONE choice. 

It is up to us to decide if we are going to learn and grow from this situation or if we will let it take us down and apart.

As entrepreneurs and business owners, this is certainly NOT a comfortable time. Yet it is in the discomfort that we grow. Uncomfortable situations force us to change and change makes us grow.

Instead of projecting ourselves in the future or wishing it wasn’t happening to us, let’s take a moment to reconnect to the present moment and take actions NOW to keep growing and make our businesses thrive.

Our mind is so much more powerful than what we give it credit for. Now that we are being granted more time, we have the possibility to nurture and tap into our creativity. It is easier than ever before to start thinking outside of the box, because in this unprecedented scenario, all our usual boxes no longer apply.

We are predicting a shift in consumers behaviors not just for the next couple of months but in the long run as well. As consumers are being forced to change the way they spend their money, their time, how they work and have fun, they will also be trying new ways of living – and realizing there are better ways to do things.

Now is the time to shift your business model to stay relevant to not only the current situation but also relate to the long-term societal shift that is upon us.

It is time to start seeing this situation as something happening FOR us, not TO us.

What if, when looking back at the COVID-19 crisis, we can be proud of how we handled it and what we learned from it?

Make the best of the current situation & be relevant

Let’s take a look at the industries currently booming thanks to this change of situation. Are you currently in one of these sectors? Don’t sit back and relax because you consider yourself lucky.

Take full advantage to be successful in this time and implement long-term strategies to stay relevant to your new consumers once the crisis is over. Build a strong connection with your customers now.

Examples of industries and businesses thriving now:

  • Interior design & home renovation

  • Gardening

  • At home fitness programs and equipment

  • Anxiety management programs

  • Online education

  • Entertainment

  • At-home cooking programs

  • Immune boost products

  • Food delivery and takeout orders

  • Video conferencing software

  • … and more!

Don’t try to ignore what is happening and pretend everything will be ok, instead surf the wave and be of service to others.

Tap into new opportunities

If you are currently in an industry that is taking a huge hit, ask yourself what you can do to reverse the situation.

Put yourself in people’s shoes (which will be pretty easy since you are stuck in the same situation) and think about what people are craving and needing in this time: you are inside, separated from your family, maybe bored, spending a lot of time online, missing social interactions, scared about the future…What are your potential customers longing for?

We are constantly evolving. You are an entrepreneur. You are a business person. Not just because you had a great idea about one product, but you worked hard to make it a reality. So what else can you make happen next?

1. Bring your business online & be the expert

If you’re not there yet, now is the time to be online. People are in their house spending more time online than ever before. Be present where your consumers are and interact.

Time to brainstorm: how can you present some versions of what you were offering online?

If your product cannot be offered online, what about offering your expertise and knowledge?

Are you producing, crafting, or creating something? What if you were teaching people to do it themselves from their home?

Sharing your knowledge with your audience will help build trust and support people with valuable content. 

Use this time to make connections and build a clientele towards more exclusive packages. People are home looking for content, so be the one that will brighten their day and support them.

2. Think long term

If you feel limited during this time of quarantine, start focusing on improving your business for when it’s time to go back to “normal” and people will be able to go out again.

Make a list of all those things you’ve always wished you had time to do.

What about enrolling in courses for valuable skills that can help your business? Have you always wanted to learn Photoshop or accounting skills?

NOW IS THE TIME. This is an investment in yourself and in your business.

3. Support one another

Think of collaborations with other businesses and connections that you can make now that will be valuable in the future. It is a great time to network and share ideas with others.

Don’t look at successful people as a threat or as competition, instead be inspired and learn from their expertise.

4. Communicate

Customers are facing confusion right now on whether services are disrupted or businesses are able to operate at full capacity.

Make it obvious to your customers what you can still offer and the value you can bring them right now. Show them how you are improving their life during this time of quarantine. Now more than ever is the time to put efforts into your marketing and communications.

Conversely, it can also be beneficial to share your struggles and obstacles as a small business. Show your vulnerability and don’t be afraid to ask for support.

We are going through this crisis together and now is a good opportunity to connect in an authentic and transparent way to your audience.

5. Be generous

From the bottom of your heart, help your customers get through this time. Offer guidance, support, and assist people that are in difficult financial situations. If it’s within our capacity, these types of gestures carry a lot of weight.

When we put our attention on others in a genuine way, the impact it has on them is that much greater.

It’s easy to be kind and courteous when business is booming and times are good.  However, the way we react and treat others when we are being tested by trying times makes the biggest statement about our values and character.

Time to Share Your Bright Side

I know this is a tough time for business owners. It is so easy to get caught into a negative spiral that changes our energy and makes it impossible to see the opportunities. If you feel like you could use some positivity and creativity – book a call with me now.

If you have been thinking of starting a new project and now you finally have the time to do it, let’s connect. Let's brainstorm ways to make your new project relevant in today's world.

Now is the perfect time to build a strong mission, stand in your purpose and get the creative juice flowing. I’m offering free brainstorming sessions to Share Our Bright Side together.

Let’s inspire each other, look at the positive outcomes and get the energy flowing.

Sometimes we need a big scary crisis to force us to change. Changing takes us into the unknown and out of our comfort zone. But what if we started looking at what is happening from a different angle? What if you were looking at the bright side?

Since we cannot change the current situation, this is on us to decide… Do we want to flow with it or go against it?

Let’s connect. Book your call here

Yasmine Grignard

Visionary & Founder of Share Your Bright Side |

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