Your 90-minute 1:1 deep-dive conversation
to focus on you and your business
are you looking to feel
inspired & motivated regarding your business?​
excited by what you're offering and creating?
Connected to your purpose and mission as a business owner?
clear on what your next step should be to keep growing your company?
You started your business with an idea, with passion, and with a great deal of motivation.
It's still there somewhere but you're having a hard time connecting to it lately.
A quick and mighty 90-minute call
to dive straight into your business and your current state of mind.
leave with:
Without feeling inspired, it's hard to know what to do. My goal is to help you reconnect with why you started your business & to look into what could be blocking your inspiration.
Whether you have too many ideas, or not enough, let's talk about your next priorities to support you & make your business grow.
Having your own business gives you a lot of freedom but that doesn't mean you have to do it all alone. Sharing your doubts & struggles with someone who's been in that low phase too can be really beneficial!
Things we can cover during
the bright dive
Love/Hate relationship with social media & why you're not showing up fully
Current & future offers
Your ideal clients
Conscious Communication Strategy
Personal branding
Business setup & organization
Your mission, vision, and purpose
What's on your beautiful mind!
I'm Yasmine, by the way!
You'll be surprised to see how GOOD & INSPIRING it can feel to talk to someone who's outside of your company, your struggles, and your head and who genuinely wants to support you...
That's me!👋
I'm an optimistic being at heart, a world traveler, and life lover!
I love getting to know entrepreneurs
& talking to them about their projects!
Because starting your own business is NOT the easy-peasy common path (let's face it!)
So why choose it then? Why quit your 9-to-5 job?
Because you're more interested in living a purposeful & meaningful life than an "easy" one.
But also because it doesn't have to be that hard either!
I've met so many incredible, passionate human beings who feel called to something deeper & brighter.
People who want to take on that journey because they believe they can offer something unique and better to the world.
And that story is what I want to hear!
More importantly, that's the story I want to help you feel proud of and share
because, believe me, the world needs it!
Bright Dive: In Practice
So you're curious about how a Bright Dive works?
Here's the deets!
Email me to book your session​
You'll receive an email with a questionnaire to fill in that I'll analyze before our session
We'll meet for a 90-minute video call session and you'll get my undivided attention
I'll send you a follow-up email with notes from our session
Go share your bright side with the world
Price: 165€
(199€ - VAT included)
Got a question? Email me at:
I really enjoyed our talk and it gave me inspiration to ''let go'' and experiment, be more playful and show up more authentically.
Marijke | Yoga & Meditation Teacher
Thank you for everything, it's really a pleasure to talk with you and it feels even better now that I realize that I'm missing discussions with people who understand what I go through!
Baptiste | Graphic Designer